Financial Report REPORTING PERIOD: 08/01/2022 THROUGH 07/31/2023FCID # or ACGME #*FELLOWSHIP PROGRAM NAME* FELLOWSHIP PROGRAM TYPE*BariatricBariatric/MISColorectalHPBMIS General SurgeryThoracicRoboticFELLOWSHIP PROGRAM DIRECTOR* AWARD INFORMATIONAWARD AMOUNT*TOTAL FUNDS RECEIVED*EXPENDITURESSALARIES & WAGES*BENEFITS*RELEVANT EDUCATION TRAVEL*(For no more than one surgical society meeting or conference attendance per fellowship year)TOTAL EXPENDITURES*FUND BALANCE*(Copy of this report should accompany unexpended balance refund) As stated in your contract, the grant recipient agrees to return to the FSF the portion of the grant over $300 which is not used for the intended surgical training. No return of funds less than $300 is required.Electronic signature of finance or accounting department representative.* First Last TODAY'S DATE YOUR CONTACT INFORMATIONPlease provide the best contact information should the FSF have any follow up questions or concerns regarding this financial report.NAME* First Last PHONE*EXTENSION EMAIL*A copy of this report will be sent to this email address. Δ